
I'm just C# boy, born and raised in a .Net world ... Today I started some stuff with JavaScript, downloaded the JavaScript standard extension for using in Vs code... It made me do things...it made indent each new line by 2 spaces! Not 4 or a tab but 2! And then what really took the fucking biscuit, it said I couldn't end my statements with semi colons! I need a strong cup of tea and a sit after that shit. How is that at all useful to anyone!? It just made it make less sense!!!!

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    Many feel with you.
  • 4
    No semicolons and 2 spaces is the ecmascript 6 standard. I dont like it either.
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    Give a try to typescript
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    Fuck javascript with a cactus. I cry every time I use snippets in webapps
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    @Codex404 2 spaces is defined in the standard? 😮
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    Javascript is just pain for anyone, that learned coding the right way. It just doesnt feel right.
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    I love no semicolons, but I always change to 4 spaces.
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    @templartrace the semi colon is, and Im pretty sure (but not 100%) 2 spaces is as well.
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    It's all a matter of time. I used quite a few different code-styles. At the beginning, I hated every style I hadn't used before, they felt wrong.

    But with enough usage came the realization: these are just code styles. One is not neccessarily inherently better than the other. It's mostly just a matter of getting used to it
  • 2
    I'm pretty sure AirBnb ESLint standard has semicolons; check that one out, you may like it
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