
I still don't fucking know, how programmers pronounce the # symbol.

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    Just hash
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    We call it: the second character of a popular inspired by java made by microsoft language, used not only for windows but cross development and server aka back-end development.
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    How about 'sharp'? As in "C-sharp"?
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    @Drillan767 That’s my thought.
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    Div selector for some, fragment identifier for few, and just plain hash for the rest!
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    @paulwillyjean dude sort yourself out this is a pound sign £.
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    idk. I call it hash. google translate also calls it hash
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    If it's with an explanation mark like "!#" then it is pronounced "shebang"
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    It's a pound sign. It wasn't called a "hash" until relatively recently, and that doesn't have anything to do with programming. And please don't call it a sharp sign unless you're actually talking music.

    #include is read as "pound-include".
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    Wikipedia: "The symbol # is most commonly known as the number sign, hash, or pound sign."
    Number sign: ok
    hash: ok
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    Correction: it wasn't called a hash*tag* until relatively recently. I think Twitter may have coined the term. "Hash" is apparently the British name for it, since obviously pound sign means something completely different to them.
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    In german, some people call it "Lattenzaun", which means picket fence
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    @mortanius words can mean more than one thing.

    In Canadian telephony, among other things, it's called a pound.
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    Its called a hash, As in.. As sharp as an hash
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    @paulwillyjean I'm a English man so yeah £ is a pound, hash/sharp/div selector for #.

    On the flip side if this # were a pound what would be a hash in that strange world?

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    In Norwegian it's called "skigard " after a style of fence
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    in Indonesia, we call it 'kres'
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    I just call it a #.
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    In Chile we call it gato, spanish for "Cat"
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    In my language is called "square" or "port/gate". I don't know about your languages but here, Hash is something you smoke.
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    @Alt-Grrr I had a professor who read #include lines as "hashtag include" and it made my heart scream.
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    Octothorpe or hash.
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    @Alt-Grrr is that a left slopey line or a right slopey line??
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    Just to add to the growing list of aliases, in my country the colloquial term for it is "cardinal", which is the "number sign" meaning (e.g. "he's #1 in the list"), but I've never heard anyone say it in any other way (in my language) even with different meanings.

    So the answer to how it is pronounced is, like so many other answers in this universe, a solidly vague "it depends on context" šŸ˜…
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    My (German) programming teacher called it "Doppelkreuz" (literally translated: double cross) ... He's really alternative :D
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    Plus plus plus plus
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    @devios1 or C# i.e. the programming language...
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    @devios1 just remember where you forked your American language from originally.
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    # is a hash, pound, octothorpe or number sign.
    ā™Æ is sharp.
    Hashtag is hash followed by a word, and in the context of Twitter.

    C# actually does not exist, it's called Cā™Æ, but because it's much much easier to type C# that's what's normally used even though it's incorrect.
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