
Hey everyone 🤗,

I wanted to share an incredible find with you all - Sneat, a free Vuetify Vue.js admin template. If you’re looking to build responsive admin interfaces or web applications, this resource is a game-changer.


Sneat offers a modern and elegant design, built on Vue.js and Vuetify. It’s packed with features that will make your development process smoother and more efficient. Some notable features include:

VueJS 3 integration
Utilizes Vue Router, VueUse, and Pinia
Available in both TypeScript and JavaScript versions
One beautifully designed dashboard
Box Icons for a visually appealing interface
Basic cards for easy information display
Fully responsive layout for a seamless user experience
You can check out Sneat and download it for free from https://github.com/themeselection/.... Take a look, explore its features, and see if it fits your requirements.

Don’t miss out on this incredible resource.

GitHub Link

Happy coding with Sneat!

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