I just wanted to say that wk61 came just at the right point in time ^^

My school threw me out a couple of days ago and now I have nothing, so I'm thankful for all of you who're giving advice for job hunting

You guys are awesome! :)

  • 8
    How do you get thrown out of school? Please elaborate...
  • 5
    @lucavinci well, I wasn't exactly attending classes...

    I preferred staying @ home and study for myself
  • 3
    @Krokoklemme Haha oh ok I see. I hope this does not make your future life harder because people just think of you as a school dropout but I totally understand you my friend 😉
  • 1
    I was going to say the same... Even i have finished my college and looking for job..
  • 1
    I'm a college dropout, never did any of the final exams at school. I used my school time to work on my company.

    I now have a company, signed a deal for 500000 NOK the other week, I also work at another company for extra money.
    Imo, school is pointless if you're going into programming, most of the stuff, you'll learn online and/or as you go
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