Finding out a colleague that you thought you got on well with thinks you're too big for your boots, the day you've been offered a full-time contract.
Fuck them. I'm gonna work my arse off and show them that my boots fit just fine, thank you very much!

  • 0
    Just wondering, but do you get paid less as full time compared to contractors? At my company contractors get paid more than salaried employees. The company says that salary employees get paid less because there are tons of fees that go alone along with having them as an employee 🙄.

    Are salaried employed thought higher of than contractors too?
  • 0
    Sometimes you learn who your true friends are during success or time of need.
  • 0
    Jealously is a cruel mistress. Congrats to your advancement
  • 1
    @champion01 we're all salaried - I was on a fixed term contract originally. But that is fairly standard - contractors can charge more because the money they get paid doesn't have tax taken out, unlike salaried, and they don't have the job security of salaried staff.
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    @developerTom I don't think it's jealousy - he's a senior dev, and in the hierarchy I still fall lower than him. Maybe he just doesn't think a woman can do the same work as him, and he's trying to discredit me? Don't really care about the motivation - I'm still going to kick ass over the next six months!
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