
"Oh, he is asking that much money for this website? I will create that for only $250 with WordPress. He is just trying to use you"

You fucking wanker. What you don't understand is that you are pushing the companies to a fucking black hole that they won't be able to recover from.

He shows an example of a website which takes 30 sec to load. It's full of hundreds of dreadful plugins. He chose the shittiest stock pictures to make it look "pretty".

When I point out his fucking shite website takes this long to load, he says if the company wants to make the website fast, they will need buy the premium plan of CloudFlare. WHAT THE FUCK are you even talking about?

Not only that, the example website, doesn't even have any SSL. He is saying that the other company didn't want to pay for the SSL. Ever heard of fucking StartSSL or LetsEncrypt?

It's people like you who is responsible for making half of the web an insecure, slow, low-performance space which is prone to hacking.

WordPress was made for blogging. KEEP IT THAT WAY. Stop trying to make your high-performance CMS or eCommerce website with this shite.

  • 22
    Heck yes. I manage a small blog in WordPress (with custom made material-ish theme, existing ones were too bloated or based on bloated existing themes), and for blogging, WordPress is fine.
  • 1
    Preach my brother!
  • 2
    Preach!! 🙌
  • 8
    I'm the sad administrator of a WordPress website that I inherited from some idiot that tried to exploit the company he was making it for.

    It's horribly coded, and it took me months to even figure out how any of it was put together.

    A clear example of this is the fact that the front page was nowhere to be found in the backend manager, and updating the theme broke the whole fucking thing.
  • 10
    Bullshit. There are crappy devs and good ones. Wordpress when used correctly is an awesome tool that can bring you from nothing to done in no time. In case its a simple web site than needs a cms, anything else (including a custom cms) is probably too much and not worth the money
  • 0
    What other CMS alternatives would you use?
  • 1
    Well written.
    I could not aggree more mate,

  • 6
    I'm amazed that nobody (clients) raises an eyebrow at a price like that. Would you trust a ten dollar parachute? You get what you pay for. Christ alive.
  • 0
  • 0
    I don't even use Wordpress for blogging.. Jekyll is <3
  • 0
    Try Hugo. Easy to install and simple to use.
  • 0
    These things are shitty technos. Too much jobs on this.
  • 1
    Deep respect to You bro..
    for preaching the truth.
  • 0
    I interned at this company that used to make WordPress websites and nobody had any idea what JavaScript was. My boss actually told a client once: "We can create the website using one of the following: HTML, CSS or JavaScript." And these guys were getting paid north of $2000 (5 average monthly salaries in my country) for creating a shitty website in a week. All I was made do was research what fuckin plugin we could use to satisfy the client's needs. As you can guess I quit first chance I got...
  • 1
    Any company worth making a website for will understand the value of SEO and having a fast website.

    Just show them a server bill for a wordpress vs a custom CMS and they might think twice about their ignorance.
  • 0
    @boyski33 I interned at a similar place. Each website was about 100$ above and they wanted Android applications along with it done within a few days... My interview asked me do you know what a class is for the internship 😑
  • 0
    @kescherRant @hardeepasrani Respected knowledgable gurus. Please help an amateur dev out. Where can one learn this wordpress shit. I know very limited basics of html and css. Wanted to start a blog. No idea what needs to be learnt or where one can learn this wordpress in co ordination with JS php css etc. Have purchased the domain and no idea how to develop the website how to host it and every other thing. I will be forever indebted if one can guide me 🙏🏼
  • 0
    @idkm I'd recommend you don't learn anything related to WordPress, to be honest. There are quite a few other CMS to check out, most of which are much safer compared to WordPress.

    But please use a search engine, I can't spoonfeed you in this comment section.
  • 0
    Fooling clients who don't know anything is so unethical.
  • 1
    So it looks great!
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