So this guy I know mentions a 7/10 proficiency in web development on his resume and doesn't know about the web console in browsers.

  • 8
    That must be in the other 3/10 😂
  • 1
    That means that he's a noob, that can make 7/10 of a website, and doesn't know how to finish it.

    As noobs become better, this score translates to how many people they know that are better than them.
  • 1
    @jschmold it downloads the latest repos for you and them puts it into a cron job so you never have to worry about it again 😉😂
  • 1
    I dont like telling im 6 out of 10 in something. To be able to tell that you would have to know everything.

    I had colleagues who graded their javascript at 8. Where I thought I was a 6. Still they keep coming to me for questions since I know more about it. Since I know more I know that there is so much more where they think they knew most of it already but couldnt make IIFEs.
  • 0
    Im 10/10 in IE10 😄
  • 0
    @jschmold it provides you with an awesome adventure of getting that OS restored.
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