
Any tips for getting into the freelance game?

I’m a FE dev (React / TS / Next) with a11y certs and 7+ yrs of experience, but am wondering how I can get my first clients freelancing?

I’ve got drafts for contracts and all the legal protection stuff sorted to prevent me getting fucked over in most cases, but am struggling when it comes to getting myself out there and actually grabbing clients.

What tips do you guys, gals and non-binary pals have for someone wanting to break from big-corpa and to go into this new direction?

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    depends on the path you want to take.

    easy one: over recruiters. the get a cut out of every hour you bill, they provide you with clients.

    pro: easy start
    con: dependent, not max. pay, you're not recognized as a company

    hard one: build customers on your own.

    for pro and con switch above ones.

    for info on how to get started with that: internet is flooded with that :D
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    An advice I don't see often (since it doesn't relate to skill in any way), make it -easy- for people to pay you.

    This probably doesn't apply if you're living in the so-called first world. The last thing clients want is to have to jump through hoops when they decide to pay you because your account comes from your contry's national bank and is just a pain to put money in from another country.
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