PM - We are going to launch registration of users in mobile phone. We are going to use blah internal framework as with it we will have same experience in mobile and desktop will be same.
Me - Shouldn't the experience be different on desktop its easy. On mobile following that many steps may seem complicated to the user.
PM - No but the experience should remain same.
Me - face palm(sees the overly complicated framework just for building 4 pages spends time finds bug in the framework fixes them and takes four months of frustration but launches it)
PM - We feel like ideally mobile and desktop should have different experience. This allows us to register faster on mobile. As we have already aligned with the blah framework team and think best path is to build it from scratch.
Me -

  • 1
    Hahaha genuinely laughed at this one 😆
  • 0
    I don't know who the hell thinks it's a good idea to hire some of these fuckwits.

    I laughed because I feel your pain.
  • 0
    I started writing a protocol when i am in such meetings... First effect, decision making and reasoning changes and you can prove their bullshit to them and their supperiors, if needed.
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