Boss: “We’re going to have you attend a meeting with the Senior Vice President. You may be asked to present information. Just know that he doesn’t suffer fools gladly.”

Me: “Ok.”

Me over a decade later remembering this conversation: “Heyyy, wait just a damn minute!!!”

  • 1
    I never knew what that phrase meant. Until today. :)
  • 3
    A person who does not “suffer fools gladly” is one who does not tolerate stupidity in others.

    Just for the non english speakers...

    A way to paraphrase: keep your idiocracy to a minimum or your head will roll.
  • 3
    @IntrusionCM The story behind this was that I was one of three men in a majority women environment. They talked like this to us all. the. time. If I, as a man, had said this to a female subordinate today, I’d be fired on the spot.

    They also had me “investigated” by HR and interrogated me for 2 hours about an e-mail they interpreted as me being hostile to and stealing a project from another woman who was brought onto it after I had started it.

    I’ve taught my sons to go into the trades. The corporate world is fucked.
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