
Just had a massive clear out of useless tabs i had open. its been so long since I've seen blank space in my tab bar :')

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    Omg the jpeg artifacts
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    I usually navigate in "private mode" just because I hope that after a while a crash or a reboot will force me to close and lose everything.

    I need a cure.
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    This is the real reason the tab bar doesn't hide when you only have one tab.

    Like cleaning but for your soul.
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    @NufMeister aggreed
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    @nik123 thats not bad at all come back when ur tabs are to small to have a title in them
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    @NufMeister I usually have the saw-wave version in like 4 windows (16GB of RAM... Chrome taking up 15.5GB... ok...)
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    @Jop- I'd argue some people still won't... and that I like the cathartic feel of the empty tab bar.

    But yes, these are facts, I don't deny that from a UX perspective it makes sense.
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    So relatable, especially when comparing things to buy.
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    Vertical tabs <3

    (Nooo Mozilla why must you deprecate tree style tabs and tab center! >.<)
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