
Today I discovered that Haskell can be compiled to js. This is both wonderful and disturbing: having the strengths of Haskell feels right and encouraging, but having to transpile it to js feels unnaturally dirty.

Still, I'm not sure I can apply this at my job in any future, but I might have just the case in the brewing.

  • 1
    Does it produce clean and efficient code? If so... maybe it's worth it?
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    @coolq afaik there's some overhead, check Day and ghcjs for more details (I just discovered them)

    @Letmecode I agree with you, but there's a small case for this. Imagine having the backend in Haskell and being able to share types and other definitions! Quite the thing :)
  • 1
    Ah kk.
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    @coolq sorry, Fay. Autocorrect got me therw
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    One of my colleagues at work is working on implementing his own haskell backend/frontend thing with full compile time type checks for requests. It seems to be a really powerful concept.
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    @brainlessdev that sounds incredible! Is he planning on having it open?
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    @siksik I asked him, he's doing Rust/Purescript instead. Still pretty much the same concept, he opened it up on github this weekend: https:///github.com/tomhoule/...
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