>decided trying to update my Neovim plugins
>Telescope.nvim no longer works, apparently it needs Neovim 0.9.0 now, only have 0.8.3
>decide to re-run the script which I've built that takes care of setting up neovim including plugins and whatnot, only updating the version part in the URL
>the URL was for a .deb package... apparently .deb packages are no longer available or something, at least for newer versions

I'm going to have to use VS Code, am I not?

  • 1
    So I've managed to install the latest Neovim and Telescope.nvim seems to be working, but now my install script is outdated... fuck this shit.
  • 2
    that was fast... and don't worry too much about the install script. there will be a next update after all ;)
  • 0
    Let me guess: you're running Debian Stretch which has recently reached EOL, so the packages were removed from the main repository.
  • 0
    So you didn't sticky a commit? User error lol.
  • 0
    @hitko I'm running Ubuntu 22.04
  • 0
    @cultab what is stickying a commit?
  • 1
    @nururururu telling your package manager to use a specific commit of a report, so it doesn't update
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