So I just lost my job because I wasn't 'working hard enough'.

I'm the hardest working person there, everyone else just stands around and talks, but they don't do anything because they're union members (I'm agency so I'm not) and the union follows up on the smallest things.

That would be bad but not earth shattering if I had savings, was up to date on rent, didn't have the bank and various loan companies hounding me, and I still possessed the will to live, but that's not the case.

I'm sick of this constant barrage of shit that the world is chucking me and I just want to go lie down on the train lines and wait now. Fuck this world and the shit it constantly gives me :'(

  • 9
    Lying down on train lines should never be an option even in your thoughts! Life is huge and full of opportunities. This isn't the last company in the world, you'll get whatever you deserve. Just be patient and keep trying. I hope that you keep smiling and trying. Good luck buddy :)
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    @BrainOnHorses why not? It'll save me the trouble of having the world dump on me, even after everything I've done to try SO HARD to make it better. And is it really? Letting agency has left me in £400 debt, my own parents have left me in £1000 debt, work never pays me on time, my 'friend' stole about £600 off me in the form of a bike and laptop, and I'm living for nothing other than money. If the world's my oyster, it's long gone rotten and black
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    @DucksCanCode your post makes me uncomfortable and worried... help and support is there for you just gotta look in the right place. :)
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    @luper thanks, but I've already looked everywhere, including that... Citizens advice got a dead end short of getting a better job at the time but I can't because I'm 18, inexperienced, and I can't get a dev job (one thing I'm good at) because they all want technical tests and I had to sell my replacement laptop for food... All the other ones on there too, they just suggested things that aren't possible right now or hit a dead end...
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    @DucksCanCode I get you man at 18 I was almost homeless, now im university getting that stupid piece of paper that qualifies me for something I can do already.
    You've gotta be tenacious, perpetually positive, patient and sometimes take a shit job (mine was mcdonalds) until you get that job you want.
    Don't let yourself be defined by your job or your bank balance. enjoy the things that make you happy however fleeting.
    @walt gets it.
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    Maybe shocking is not the thought of suicide but the reluctance to not even bother to try. Life is not just about money and debts! Yes, it's a profound part of it but not whole of it. Without you the world would not be any better,your country will just have a count increase in no of suicides. Should that be the end story of a life? It should have phases from childhood to old age. Just like the systems you make. Please think about it, every code that you have ever written. Was it perfect when it was half done? Was it perfect or terrible? Even after completion, does that needed improvement? Was your answer yes? Then please realize that your life is no great than that but to make your code run perfectly, sometimes it needs more effort depending upon type of language, type of project, size of project etc. So now you tell me if your code didn't work, what should you do? Delete the whole project because it's not working or trying to rectify the errors? That's my answer. Faith.
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    @DucksCanCode you are just fucking 18! Believe me we all are older than you and as @wolt and @luper said no job is small for a living. Passion never ends because you start doing other jobs. It just add another job/skill to you as a human. No need to leave coding but a living can be earned other way.
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    Well, it took me 8 years self teaching myself how to code, while working jobs like security guard, stringing up network cables, working as a junior stock broker, call center robot, sales agent and warehouse data entry operator before I got my first real dev job and got to do what I love...

    Life is a tough cookie, but if you really want to do something, you will find some way or another to get there...
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