
Why cant I pay website host services in expereince and exposure? Everything is expensive urgh.

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    The website needs to run, regardless of visitors or not. It needs to be ready. You can't just spin up a vm everytime a visitor comes by. And that needs to be paid.
    What kind of website is it? Maybe I can hit you up with a vm on my host
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    @Kimmax i am aware of that, ofc thr Hardware costs a lot of money. It is a portfolio for my work. Thanks for the offer, I will come back to you after going through the options
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    @DLMousey thank you
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    Im paying about $0.60/month for my site hosting.
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    Surge.sh free
    Heroku free
    Now.sh free
    Openshift free

    You clearly going wrong.
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    @RTRMS how do they work? I dont want ads or myname.theirname.com. But i will take a Look at it
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    @jobylie free free. I have a clients site and my portfolio running on surge. I had the api for my app running on heroku, the api for the other app on openshift. Moved both of those a 2 euro VPS though.

    For all of them you will just need a free cloudflare.com account to manage the domain name, where you can set a cname record to use your custom domain.
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