
I've probably spent more time on refactoring than on actual coding with this personal project. The problem is, ideas come to me while developing, and that means I have to go back and change things every time. Is that normal or is there a better way?

  • 1
    Probably worthwhile thinking more about the project before starting, keep things modular and simple, create goals and reach them before changing things up too much.
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    Make decent designs of the UI first. That way you're forced to think all features through in terms of usability. After that you can just draft technical specs based on them. Then it's pure coding after that
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    @brod that's a good one

    @vertti that's what I do, but usually when I'm coding, I'm like "actually..., let's do it another way" and I have to change everything.

    It's only this project, I usually manage to split the work into design and implementation.
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