
Got some new toys today! A Raspberry Pi 3 and a Arduino starter pack. Any suggestions on what I should do with it?

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    Server. Pihole. Media center. Home automation. Image recognition. Rc car spy car with picam with arduino having batteries. Etc. Others lemme know in comments
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    Most people go for Kodi on the Pi, but I would suggest that you teach yourself some embedded Linux and write a simple driver for the GPIO; my first project was an I2C master driver for the Pi which I then used to talk to an IO Expander connected to a 16x2 character LCD. The world's your oyster!
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    More like what can't you do with it.
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    Looking back, most starter packs for Arduino are ripoffs unless it comes it a project guide
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    @SpencerBeige there is a thick book included, explaining how everything works and how you're supposed to put everything together.
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    @olback ah, that's pretty cool. What all did it come with?
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    I made an Arduino bluetooth controlled door lock and it's badass. You can also try RFID or a keypad to type in a password, which the kit probably comes with a keypad
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    @SpencerBeige Image quality is probably sheit and I guess the Swedish on the box doesn't help 😂
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    @skyrip12 sounds really cool! 😎
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    @olback Wait they gave you a neopixels ring? NICE! those things are really cool. But, I hope it included some kinda soldering pen...you will need one for it.
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    @SpencerBeige Aah! That I already have :)
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    Google assistant
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    Send it to me, as a gift ;) And I will build my own Google glass
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    Look at how pretty it is, daydream about some awesome system then throw it in a drawer.
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    A camera for your bedroom, if you obsessed to security
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    Make a bitcoin miner 😆
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    Throw it away and get some real PLCs and do some serious hardware.
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    Why'd you buy it if you didn't have a plan on what to do with it?

    In any case, I built a web server that responds to any request with a NMap scan followed by exploitation analysis followed by exploitation if available. Because fuck these probing servers from china
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    Put it on your pets and stream cat telemetry over MQTT
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    Pick any electrical device lying around you and dissect it rewire it and program it through your Raspberry Pi 3
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