Probably isn't a righteous rant... But there's a new guy who shakes his leg... All day... Makes my screen wobble... All day... Trying to think about about my code... But thoughts being shaken to the floor... All. Goddamn. Day.

  • 2
    Just tell him, it's not that big of a deal. He probably doesn't notice it himself, but it must bother you a lot.
  • 5
    @marthulu oh... I have... Several times... He just starts again a few minutes later... I resorted to throwing little Easter chickens from my drawer in a friendly-mildly-aggressive manner... That didn't work either 😂
  • 1
    I have the same issue with my collegue.
    I bought some big ass noise canceling headpones. That solved it
  • 1
    @kawiikeewee Hahah awhh I feel bad xd
  • 2
    I feel your pain. I sat near a guy who would incessantly clear his throat every couple of minutes, the entire day long. At first you just brush it off but after a while it's literally ALL you can think about. I eventually ended up asking my manager to move either him or me.
  • 2
    As a leg shaker myself (I do this out of frustration with code or impatience) I'm sorry for this guy. Fortunately I'm working remotely so I'm not pissing anyone off with it. Try to understand that he is probably having issues with stress or is just nervous in general and does this unconsciously.
  • 5
    I loathe that leg shaking thing some people do.

    It makes me burn with the fury of a thousand suns.
  • 5
    As someone who has played drums for 30 my legs and hands are often going. No matter how rhythmically I do it, I know (thanks to my wife) that it annoys others so I've trained myself not to do it when working with others. So clearly, you need to throw a stapler at his head because you've brought it to his attention and he is clearly a sociopath.
  • 3
    Are you sure it's his leg that he's shaking?
  • 0
    Tell him to sit with his legs crossed. (like sitting on the floor) Also, find a way to keep both of his hands occupied. I don't know how this works, well, but works for me.
    Buy him a fidget cube. Talk with him about that, keep in mind he is not doing this continuously nor meanly. He should take a break more often.
    After all, this is a nervous tick, due to stress and keeping his attention very focused.
    Also, he might need a better chair.
  • 1
    That sound like me, I'm the one who usually annoy other people (not on purpose) by shaking my leg. I think it have redused after I got the correct medication for ADD. It is usually must for ADHD people to fidget. It helps to concentrate. If it's appropriate you can try to tell him, he might have an ADHD and maybe even suggest him to go to see a doctor. Though usually people doesn't notice ADHD by them self.
  • 0
    I just wanted to suggest that guy might be ADD but I've sent too many people of devRant to shrink ;-)
    I'm ADD too and agree, meds help.
  • 0
    Quality rant. Are we sure this isn't a consistent caffeine overload? I had a roommate in uni that did this due to constant coffee and it was one of the most annoying things I've ever witnessed. Like, hardcore, visible legs up and down, shoes on floor louder than a tap dancer, chin in hand, occasionally elbow hitting wooden desk top, staring at laptop screen - completely oblivious to it all.

    Coworker case sounds like uncontrollable caffeine jitters, especially since OP has previously broached the topic to no avail.
  • 0
    One extra possibility: some anti-depressants can cause this too. (Speaking from current experience). It's annoying for the sufferer as well as those around him.
  • 1
    Deep breaths. Think happy thoughts. Go back to the war. Blood, explosions, countless widows...
  • 0
    @devios1 I do both that and the leg moving 😅. Leg moving is a habit since I was very young and throat clearing... I get rough slime very fast so if I don't do it often I'll get slightly troubled with breathing 😆
  • 0
    I'm a leg shaker too. It's not on purpose it just happens. I'll stop if you ask but a few minutes later it starts again subconsciously. So I apologize on behalf of your coworker.
  • 0
    I do this all the time, as does the guy who sits next to me. Our poor colleagues sometimes feel like there's been an earthquake.

    My girlfriend tells me off for it at home all the time.
  • 0
    Buy him a fidget spinner, I heard it helps those who are trying to quit bad habits like led shaking, nail biting, etc...
  • 0
    Been there. I confronted him and we could talk it out with a smile.
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