
I'm a backender. I fucking hate everything relating to designing, UI/UX designing and especially frontending.

I can't stand it when interfaces look bad/are off, have bugs and so on.

I just can't stand that stuff but the irony is real 😅

  • 4
    Design the UI once, use always. That's what I do.
  • 1
    I feel you man.. Just CSS alone is hell. The actual logic part is even nice in comparison
  • 3
    Wait until you work with designers, then you'll hate your life, humanity and the universe! Especially when they want to be "Creative" 😒
  • 0
    @Letmecode My solution was checking out similar or close apps and mimic their design with a few changes, but I'm sure I wont comeup with that design that will rule them all (talking about making it a standard for my apps)
  • 1
    I like frontend ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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