I really wish to live in the 80s era. I guess i was born in the wrong timeline. Watching the footage and movies of that time really makes me think yall lived a far more enriching life while half of us genz scroll our life away on these fucking apps.
Also not being rich wasn't a problem as much as it is now with all the social media narcissism that is normalized with every other joe and joess labelling their puberty as some earth shattering transformation and posting all these glow ups with filters that make em look unreal and stupid shit

  • 4
    I think the internet (all people connected and all information in the world) took the magic away
  • 1
    saaaaame, id prefer 30s-40s tho
    What I'd give to get to be there 😪
  • 1
    I don't think most of you would like it there, but can partially understand.
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM maybe we would only get high all day because we couldn't get a job suited for us
  • 5
    Yeah the 30s where there was no wifi.. no medicines .. slavery all around.. world wars and holocaust..no air conditioners .. no video games and tv. Diseases like syphilis, malaria and the plague everywhere.

    Yeah truly the 30s-40s sound like heaven.
  • 1
    What I find interesting is that women especially romanticize historical eras...

    Where they had either zero rights or their rights were essentially "serve your husband and produce children".
  • 1
    @retoor No it hasn't.. In fact the internet has given us a slice of all kinds of information and communication. You may like some slices and you won't like most others.

    I never really thought I'd be on devRant this much where I get to talk to like minded people and truly express my feelings I have as a dev and make dev related comments. Previously it was Instagram but devRant's slice of the internet is better than Instagram's.

    Many people or I'd say 99% people haven't found the slice of internet that they like. OP is definitely one of them imo.
  • 1
    - uhm. but yes i agree. then theres these people you do som with them.. ~ it needs to be shared in snap or some shitty story. the world needs to know. spending time with these people is awful. they also tend to have their phone on loud all the time and with every notif they need to check what it is and reply.

    i found peace with having my notif sound silent for some years now, and only having my watch vibrate for the notifs i really want.

    talking of, how awful devrant notifs are. i dont want spam notif that there are more comments on a rant i commented on

    luckely i solved that by just letting my phone ping my devrant notif feed every minute and sending a notif for all other types
  • 2
    I hate to tell you that, yes, it was that awesome by comparison in retrospect. I’m sorry that you missed it. I was born in 1974 and my memories of childhood and adolescence reside solidly in the 80s. By today’s standards, it was an amazing time to be alive. We had the best of both worlds. Computers like no one had seen prior gave us just enough to be both entertained and educated. But they could also become just boring enough to drive us out into the sunlight to touch grass, ride BMX bikes, go camping, make swords out of sticks, and swing from ropes tied to trees over ravines. When the Great Collapse happens, perhaps I can recapture and relive some of that era with my grandkids.
  • 0
    @Sid2006 12.8 million Africans were embarked in the trans Atlantic slave trade across 400 years.

    There are currently 50 million enslaved people. That is at this moment not over 400 years. Slavery is more prevalent at this moment in time than it ever was historically.

  • 0
    @Nanos that makes sense, but I dont want to "live" in the 30s-40s, I want to take part in the war 😤 There was an Indian battalion that helped IJN in Singapore and its campaign past Burma to East India, if I live just to my teens but manage to die bayonetting the enemy, I'd die happy :3
  • 1
    @Sid2006 I knew family members born as far back as 1888. The 30s-40s were not the hellscape today’s generation has been taught it was. Sure, there were problems. Just as in any generation. But there were some amazing things as well. Some of my ancestors who lived in those days wouldn’t trade them for our time at all. There’s a lot today that would be a hellscape for them by comparison.
  • 0
    @Nanos War happens when politicians get fat, corrupt, and greedy. It’s not neighbors spontaneously deciding to attack each other en masse. It’s politicians failing (or refusing) to resolve differences.
  • 0
    @Nanos nah, putin received once 107% of votes
  • 0
    @Nanos Voting should start at 25 when the prefrontal cortex of the brain is fully formed and people can vote with more rationality than emotion. Not a guarantee, but a likely improvement in the quality of voters.

    Also, yes, property ownership being a requirement to vote was actually a genius move by the Founders (despite it being criticized today). It reduced the amount of “voting goodies from the treasury” by people who have no skin in the game of politics and nothing to lose and everything to gain. Why wouldn’t they vote for all kinds of things like economic “stimulus” in the form of printing money and out-of-control borrowing and spending? But that requirement to own property to vote is now deemed “elitist” and even “racist” because of the soft bigotry of low expectations. The bigoted thinking goes that only white people own property because people of color couldn’t possibly be smart enough to be property owners. It’s just ridiculous.
  • 0
    @Nanos Yes to all that at this point in our alleged “civilization”. I would’ve argued differently in the past when people had to mature and get rational quickly to survive. But our young generations are so coddled, entitled, dependent and, frankly, stupid due to all the “progress” and ease of life (comparatively) that 18 then is the new 25 now.
  • 1
    @azuredivay mmmm racism, homophobia, widespread poverty disease and a massive world war (also no antibiotics)
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus here for a good time, not a long time 😎😎😎
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