I as the "coffeedrinker" stopped drinking coffee and energy drinks. I do not want to be anyone's boss but if you think you can live without them, do it. I am fairly young and after a long period of frequent consumption ( 1 coffee or drink per day), I was waking up at nights or struggling during the days from constant heart pains. Now 2 months later this phenomenon happens seldom and I feel better and more refreshed after my sleeping. I know this is irrelevant but I know fellow devs that overconsume these kind of drinks. At least if you can limit your dose! :) I just want everyone to be healthy and happy! Have a nice day! ♥

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    @Jilano meh let it be a memory.Unless i turn it to"excoffeedrinker" xD
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    I did the same! Drank 3 Club-Mate to just be a normal human being without the sleepy-zombie-mode I was without coffeine.

    The first few days without coffeine were really hard, but since then I feel more vital. I now use coffeine very rarely, only at conferences and other special occasians.
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    I just wanted to get a coffee. Inspired by your post, I'll try decaffeinated for the first time now.
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    Green tea ftw
  • 13
    Yknow if you got heart pains from 1 coffe, you sholu probably ask a doctor
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    This. I would be really surprised if heart pains come from coffee alone.
    Also, heart pains is nothing you should ignore. If they still occur although you don't drink coffee anymore, then it probably was not the coffee. Maybe the coffee just worsened a already existing problem. Just saying
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    I was drinking about 5 coffee during work for 2 years. Then I had some troubles with my stomach and stopped drinking coffee for 2 Month. Changed my life - I'm so.... active now! :)
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    @plusgut thats great pal :D
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    @sam9669 well there are different tastes xD
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    @RazorSh4rk obviously
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    @coffeedrinker I'm happy for you too :)
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    @DelError and you are correct. Dont eat excessive fat. Not 4 gigs, animal fat xD
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    @RazorSh4rk Yup I used to drink about 8-12 cups a day. Felt healthy though! Now I partly quit it due to laziness but I don't feel more vital or something, I actually get sick more often 😅
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    Great decision. I drank 2/3 cups of coffee per day until 2 months ago. I had headaches and sleep deprivation. First week or two were rough, but now i feel excelent. Now I drink coffee only occasionally. Warm recomendation to everyone, try to dose down or quit. Main problem after quitting is : What to drink in coffee shop with coworkes in the morning.
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    @linuxxx i abuse monster lately but i dont feel bad at all
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    @linuxxx well you got addicted:p
  • 3
    @coffeedrinker Well I've hardly drank any coffee since april... Although I've gotta admit that I get sick more often than 'normal' people but yeah, I've had heart pains, went to the doctor and it was due to the fact (not my heart actually but my chest muscles) that I hardly did any sports! Never had any issues with caffeine usage and thank God because I FUCKING LOVE COFFEE 😍
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    @luxzu awesome! But you have your everyday struggles too xD
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    @brano88 well i wasnt too addicted so i considered it wiser to cut it off
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    @linuxxx good for you xD
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    I've been drinking like 10-15 cups a day. I should probably have some health issues but I don't :P I can't imagine a day without coffee. But hey, I'm from Norway and we do love our coffee! Anyways, it's a good thing that you're feeling better after you stopped drinking coffee :)
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    @MisterH thanks man! You have a strong organism right there :)
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    I don't have problems with coffee — but I get stomach pains from 2 or more energy drinks. Not so much the caffeine, but acidity I suspect.

    I lately drink 1 cappuccino/latte in the morning, 1-2 espresso in the afternoon, no sugar. No negative effects.
  • 2
    The only thing i get from too much coffee or too many energy drinks is I talk too fast, my "filter" goes away, and I clean things.

    Once I stop moving, though, I'm out for about 8 hours. No heart pains during any stage, thankfully.
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    @taylorviktorya You clean things? Amazing! I wish coffee had the same effect on me :P
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    @MisterH I cleaned every smart board in a (stupidly designed) 3 story computer science building in a matter of hours. They hadn't been "deep cleaned" in about 2 years and were almost looking brand new.
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    @taylorviktorya hey, I have great good coffee at home, want to come for a cup?
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    @krlooss it'll take more than a cup lol
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    @taylorviktorya Damn! Not bad :P
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    @taylorviktorya thats a unique trait
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    @bittersweet good for you :) my mother has a problem with her stomach too (thanks to her addiction to coca cola ._.)
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    @krlooss so that's a date?
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    Chance it to covfefedrinker
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    @foldager y u hev to be liek that? ;-;
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    @coffeedrinker looks like it is. @taylorviktorya so you come to Barcelona, Spain during August, right?
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    @krlooss I would freaking love to! You flying me out?
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    @taylorviktorya i love that my post works as tinder ^-^
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    @coffeedrinker if bribing me with coffee to clean his place is common on tinder 😂😂😂
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    @taylorviktorya depends from where, given that I work at a travel agency 🤔
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    @krlooss that's awesome! I looked up tickets just for giggles and I don't remember paying that much to fly to Europe, ever. What happened?!
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    @Jilano 😂
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    @taylorviktorya im not into that stuff idk :(
  • 1
    This post is becoming a fiesta I love it
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    @coffeedrinker I use it as a source of entertainment. 😂 I'm a terrible person with the app...
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    @taylorviktorya apparently so am I :p
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    @taylorviktorya lol, well, it's August, peak season to come over here, and also, this agencies makes billions... My salary comes from somewhere 🤓😫👹😬😉
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    @krlooss understandable lol. This conversation has made me want to travel more again...
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    @taylorviktorya where are you living now? if a fellow ranter may know
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    @taylorviktorya nice I want to visit it so much for the surfing, although it is said that localism is big shit over there
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    @krlooss i guess you could listen to some tupac for your california dose :p
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    @coffeedrinker I just drank a Tupac of beers, then had a three pack of oreos and said bye to my Sixpack
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    @krlooss please have mercy on me ;_;
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    @krlooss localism being big over here in what way?
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