
*Deletes system32*
Omg why it's not working anymore? Holy shit windows suck. I didn't even do anything and it stopped working. Fucking useless OS.
sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
Oh it's understandable it's not working anymore, I fucked it up myself.

  • 7
    Either way you're a fucking idiot
  • 9
    "fucking windows"
  • 3
    @jckimble yeah the examples are not the best, but it's just to show the idea that way too many people bash windows for the fuckups they do themselves..
  • 1
    @sSam well while you're right cause alot of people blame operating systems for their incompetence. And i mean all 3 os. Windows has alot of default settings which break between updates for some reason
  • 4
    @jckimble yeah I'm just talking about cases where people are fucking up with something and after restart it doesn't work anymore and they blame windows. I've heard about default settings resetting, haven't experienced myself as I turn on windows only like once in half a year. Also another thing I find weird is windows always fucking up bootloader. I've had dual boot for around 6years in 4different devices. I've also setup dual boot for a few friends. They didn't touch the bootloader and surprisingly the windows hasn't broken the bootloader for any of us in a really long period I don't get how it happens to people every fucking month.
  • 0
    @sSam yeah i think stuff like that is luck of the draw. I know when i used windows 10 for a few months(cause linux was giving my acpi errors) i had bsod 3 times a day and others where saying it was a myth
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    @sSam Apart for when an OEM decides to use win7 on a laptop that just barely can run it and as if that's not enough, they also load it with they're useless software. But wait, there's more, then you need an antivirus because it's not your PC and the user is not very tech savvy so you know, just in case. Oh wait, moar! Then the fucking win7 goes ahead and upgrades to win10 so your PC ends up an unusable pile of shit that needs 1 minute to open a new tab on chrome

    Meanwhile on Linux:
    Lightweight desktop environment, no OEM software, no antivirus because you can lock down permissions. Runs like a dream.
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    Right analogy would be deleting libc.so or something like that..

    I tried that in a VB environment..System doesnt crash or turn off..it just doesnt know what to do and stays the same way..
  • 1
    You can't delete System32 unless you boot off a live usb and mount the filesystem. And if you did that you're an idiot.
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    @Froot again this is not Windows vs Linux rant. It's about people bashing products for their own fuck ups. Linux people apparently have to always mention how amazing Linux is.
    P.S. I think windows 7 has same requirements as windows 10. I had windows 10 running on 10yo laptop performing same/better than on windows 7. I'd your chrome tab takes 1min to open up. I'm sorry dude...
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    @DucksCanCode these examples are just to show the idea. I have no clue why you're even talking about them when the only reason to do these actions is when you want to fuck up ur PC on purpose.
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    @sSam Ye that did seem odd. Could have been a botchup in the upgrade process

    Anyhow, didn't mean to turn this into an OS war at all. I just came from writing a rant about putting Linux on my grandma's pc so it was fresh in my mind 😄
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    @sSam sorry I'm in a foul mood because shits been happening and that just pissed me off more...
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