
I spent 10 years of my life to learn how to code when I could make big money without coding. I'm such an idiot

  • 7
    Yeah man. How can you complete with an overpriced Wix "tutorial"? Big money indeed.
  • 15
    Let's get a stadium chant going! Ready? On my lead!

    Bulllll shit! Bulllll shit! Bulllll shit! 😂🤷
  • 3
    @jhh2450 only if it's followed by the wave...
  • 3
    @taylorviktorya Deal! But we must chant bull shit in tune with the wave
  • 1
    @jhh2450 that's either a quick wave or a slow chant...
  • 5
    @taylorviktorya Slow would be fine.

    Bbbbuuuuuullllllllll sssssshhhhhhiiiiitttt! (Repeat 5 times)
  • 6
    @jhh2450 🙋🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆 (my attempt at a stadium wave issuing emojis)
  • 1
    @taylorviktorya that wave is hardcore!
  • 1
    i was going to say other things but just bull shit explains it!
  • 1
    The sad fact is that you can really make a website without coding and sell it for big $$$ to a naive customer. So he maybe is legit :P
  • 0
    @deadpool88 what if the customer asks you a feature and the wysiwyg can't accomplish it?
  • 2
    @crisz There is a good chance you tell him 'its not possible' and he gonna say 'ok'.
  • 0
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