My friends be like...

  • 16
    Everyone has something to hide, its just a matter of time
  • 2
    Ur friends being the dog or the guy?
  • 7
  • 0
    @Faraaz ++
  • 1
    People like that are no longer my friends
  • 6
    Just ask questions like "how much money have you earned last month?", or "how is your sex life going?"
  • 1
    @jpichardo unfortunately the dog
  • 0
    why do I keep seeing the r word on here...
  • 7
    The danger with data gathering companies is that they can use it however they see fit. Of course big companies like Google also have to act according to the law but a fine of millions of dollars won't hurt them much.

    There is this smart vacuum cleaner over here where you can enter parts of your house where it should be careful due to valuable stuff. Also it maps your entire house. They collect this data and phone it home and people didn't give it a second thought. Now the company behind it is planning on starting a platform for selling this data. People are suddenly outraged. Seriously, then don't buy those things in the first place!

    Times will come when certain data will bite people back, also the ones who 'have nothing to hide'. This is the reason why I try to only use encrypted/privacy friendly services :).
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