I started studing C#(I already studied some languages some C or Python), I never used it because of .NET platform(I hate Microsoft), so in those days I started studing it with Mono.

C# is far better than Java.
So I started a simple project and pushed it on GitHub,
it is a simple logger.

  • 1
    Why hate .NET (because it is a MS product) and not C# (which is also a MS product) ?
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    I like C# as language, I hate Microsoft but this sometimes it make a good thing, I compile/use C# with Mono which is Open Source.

    I like that all languages compile to same bytecode, such Java but better
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    @JackSpera the DotNet framework is also partially opensource and is really nice to use.

    I never used C# without DotNet.
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    I don't hate Closed Source Program bit I don't like Microsoft in general. C# and in general .NET are good but I prefer Mono
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    VSCode is great as well.

    Microsoft does make some good things. They are a very large company so it is expected that not everything will be great. Usually the stuff they make open source ends up the best.
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    .NET Core?
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