
Okay so I've been programming for around a few months learning python. I'm a slow learner so I try to stick with a learning schedule that suits me and i do got it, but I've come across a problem that keeps happening.

When will I know when to use certain functions like len(), range(), Or even modulas %. Because I forget they're there and im worried its going to effect me from being better.

Another problem while I have some of your attention is i dont know when to use math in my code really well but I've been getting better at that so I'm gonna practice a little bit for that.

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    Modulus is a very odd thing to newcomers - but, you will know when you need it. For example, x % 2 could tell you if a number is even.

    You just need more experience - I'd suggest not just watching videos, that's not how you learn. You learn by doing a project that can challenge you and build your skills
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    @SpencerBeige I've been doing a mix of reading, watching videos, and sololearn followed with small projects
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    Try solving the classic "FizzBuzz" coding challenge. It's not too difficult and should get you experience with range() and mod.
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