That's it I'm done with CSS alignment 💀

  • 7
    Inklusive Design, let's you sit together with wheelchair Driver. 😊
  • 5
    Yip leave it unaligned and call it art.
  • 2
    @heyheni removing that overhanging thingy (dont know the english word) will make it more wheelchair friendly.

    Wheelchairs already have a back thingy so this back thingy is probably in the way.
  • 0
    @kenogo but their is a space without back where people will avoid to sit when possible. Its a waste of space.
  • 0
    They had one job, ONE JOB
  • 0
    Shhhh, it's 'art'
  • 1
    One word: flexbox
  • 0
    now its time to add

    .clearfix {
    overflow: auto;

  • 0
    When internet brutalism enters the real world.
  • 0
    Flexboxes are you friends.
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