
So i was just reading about some electronics..and just realised computers were possible only because one crooked mind thought what would happen if i give the output of a gate to itself ?

I know there may be some explanations.. But flip flops are memory right ?

  • 1
    Don't forget how turing came with the idea to bruteforce the german codes by using mechanical machine
  • 1
    @zombie01 That Imitation game bar scene ? A sad thing ..I knew about this legend only after that film..
  • 0
    Yeah. But FFs arent the only way to achieve memory, we have DRAMs that use capacitors. Plus remember computers aren't about memory alone.We have ALUs etc.
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    @bdhobare I know .. But the basis of everything now , was the thing that enabled it to remember things that it did.. and DRAMs are a recent thing..It is just a low cost emulation of SRAMs . What role does an ALU play if it cant remember what it did before ?
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