
Time math is one of the most headache inducing parts of any programming project. I'd rather deal with uncommented recursion and regex.

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    The thing that turns any time based calculation into a special circle of hell...
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    @IntrusionCM Just use UTC internally. That way, you only need to pull in a conversion library for input / output.
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    I like the Temporal API
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    @Fast-Nop that's the correct way, yes.

    I learned the DST lesson when dealing with databases who didn't do that...

    It was a mind boggling adventure.

    (the kind of database who were bad in design and whose input wasn't properly validated, too.....)
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    I made a mistake when building out my database logic and everything was being store in my time zone. I fully intended to store everything in UTC.

    I fixed that but forgot to fix where I was comparing time in my time zone and not UTC.

    I fixed that, but I found out I subtracting negative time, meaning that I was adding times together, which explained the very weird timestamps I was getting.

    This is my first real project in Python that deals with a database and time math. I am usually working in Rails which does a lot of this for me. Between Rails and Ruby, I've been spoiled with their crazy intuitive time math logic.

    The aha moment when I got it nailed down was cathartic.
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    Convert everything to Unix timestamp. Easy Peasy.
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    @Sid2006 not really.

    Timestamps are inferior to actual date / datetime objects.

    While Linux assumes timestamp being UTC... Most time APIs don't.

    A timestamp has no timezone.
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    @IntrusionCM I have literally never seen an API that treats a timestamp as anything other than the number of (mili/nano/)seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC excluding leap seconds, which is its definition. What does this?
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