The awkwardly embarrassing moment when you realise your junior, a fresher out of college, knows more than you... Shittt... Why kids are so fucking smart these days!!! I'm looking for a place where I can go and just hide from the world. If you know one, please help.

  • 10
    Believe me that he will still need your knowledge. Be a smart and open minded partner for discussion etc. And you will also profit from his knowledge.
  • 27
    Pros of new generation:
    1. Fast learners

    Cons of new generation:
    1. Noobs

    It is true they learn fast and can solve the problem in less time, but they don't have all cases covered, they tend to find the solution of how to do x but not how to break x, anyone can learn how to do x but how can one make sure x wont break? or at least reduce possibility of breaking it.

    Just my two cents
  • 3
    Here have some ++ for it
  • 4
    @gitpush I finished high school this year but believe me after coding I try every possibility that comes to my mind to break the software so this way I can fix it before someone "sees" it.
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    @denisal It is good you think that way but please don't do exceptions, your comment (technically you) is an exception to the topic I'm discussing, I've trained many fresh grads, High school and University students, majority tends to be fast, the rest are lazy to work. The fact you think outside of the box + fast learner is a big + for you and make the best out of it while you have both, but not everyone is like this. I for my self was a noob and had to learn the hard way by not being able to continue a two year old personal project that got around 200K users online, just because I was: Hey I made it. Instead of: Hey how can I make sure I can build on it, maintain it and make live for some time.
  • 2
    Have some ++ and browse devRant in the toilet.
    Problem solved.
  • 3
    @KnutKnutsen I try to be. It's just that last time I did same, and I ended up looking like a fool in front of upper management. And to make things worse, there is always a smartass colleague who has 'answers' for any type of questions asked, doesn't matter right or wrong... 'visibility' is a bitch! 😶
  • 1
    @thatJavaGuy What are you using tensorflow for?
  • 2
    @gitpush really great advice, thank you!
  • 2
    @denisal Wish you all the best my friend :D
  • 2
    @rangler actually we don't. We have a tool which analyses logs data and do some research on it. He was suggesting to use ML and tensor flow for better results.
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