
Log into mostly any Linux systems by hitting backspace 28 times.

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    Somebody said that, confirm if true or not.
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    @sam9669 I know it was a thing but then fixed. I do recall back in 2008 it can be done
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    @gitpush ohk thanks then.
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    @sam9669 better check with @Linux & @linuxxx I'm sure they have an answer of which versions are now effected and which aren't. But I am sure it was a thing in the past
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    @kvsjxd last year was close, that means there are still vulnerable systems left......
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    @gitpush Don't know the versions but I know this was found at the beginning of this year and fixed about one day after :).
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    @linuxxx we are getting closer to present day, wow this rant is valid now
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    @sam9669 seriously though, MS and Apple and about all commercial software companies could learn a lot from Linux' patch speed :P. Also, I said that off the top of my head, let me confirm that first.
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    @sam9669 @gitpush @linuxxx Okay I've got to take that date back. It was discovered AND patched back in 2015 already! Man fuck my memory :P.
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    @linuxxx seriously? wasn't it in earlier versions? I recall I read about it around 2008-9
    how did it come back to life?
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    @gitpush No clue. Just DDG'd quickly and came up with that haha.
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    @linuxxx took me a while to know what DDG'd lol
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    @gitpush Yeah I'm a duckduckgo'er haha! Have Google shit blocked throughout my whole network :P
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    @linuxxx no wonder why you mentioned in your rant you are now an Apple user, guess no more Google even for an OS
    But which browser do you use? Firefox?
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    @gitpush Nonono I am not an apple user, never will be if it's up to me! And yes, I'm a firefoxer with tons of privacy addons :P. Sometimes I use Chromium as well but hell no Chrome for me!
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    @linuxxx I better take a look at my privacy too, any privacy ad-ons you recommend?
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    I personally use privacy badger, disconnect, noscript, and unlock origin. That does wonders for me.
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    Patched last year in GRUB
    Old news
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    You did not need to have set a password to do that ^°
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    @RiderExMachina @gitpush rider your list is good! I also use an addon to disable webRTC by default (it can establish a connection without your knowledge and reveal your real IP) (I use VPN full-time), an addon to prevent browser canvas hash fingerprinting, a user agent (and a lot of other things) spoofer and a cookie self destructor (destroys cookies after closing the tab). Hope this list helps :). (note, I use firefox and have no clue if these work on Chromium/Chrome)
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    Nope, doesn't work :)
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    @linuxxx do you know IPFlood/IPFuck? If yes, are you using it?
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    @niederschlag Nope, please educate me!
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    @linuxxx @niederschlag Although IPFlood sounds familiar...
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    @linuxxx It's a Firefox addon which fakes the usage of a proxy and uses a different IP for each site load. Have a look here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/...
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    @linuxxx Here's the technical aspect of the addon: http://ipflood.paulds.fr/ . Basically it is able to trick some websites into thinking that your current IP address is a proxy and your original IP address is the random one defined by the addon (set via HTTP headers). This has the effect that sites won't be able to use your IP as effective datasource.
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