Gets an email from office facilities.

Email - A package has been received under your name, please collect it at the mail room in the 5th floor.

Me (excited as hell) - Yay! My devRant stickers are finally here!!!!

Gets to the mail room as fast as she could only to find that the stupid package was a stupid promotional offer from a stupid bank sending me a stupid credit card that I never even asked for. That entire day was a disappointment :-(

When am I getting my stickers! It's been ages!

  • 41
    The trick is you need to forget about the stickers, then they come as a surprise in your life and the excitement is doubled
  • 5
    @Jilano Tell me about it 😡. (no really, fucking don't, I get reminded way too often)
  • 5
    @sam9669 how can one forget about devRant stickers? Because I read about them everyday.
  • 4
    I saw the rant and I knew it was you!

    Good, let's just hope your stickers arrive along with mine. *Insert evil laugh*
  • 0
    My stickers haven't arrived yet as well. 😢
  • 0
    Never happened. Almost passed a year as well.
  • 2
    @nik0333 you might have to wait for some time.. :D
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