
Learning modern metaprogramming C++. Because I'm not even sure if there is others people working on it in my country x)

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    We use code generation to generate a lookup table of matrices, and we're heavily into c++. That said, we use python to generate the c++ code and compile it directly. Easier to comprehend and easier to debug. Just a thought.
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    @alwaysmpe so you use a kind of python metaprogramming I guess x) I did think to use a different program to generate my code a long time ago. But then I found modern metaprogramming and also Boost Hana. It's easy and far more powerful. For debug I'm going to use C++ concepts, but hana is already not bad at it.

    I'd like to post my git repo but there is too few push right now. I'll post on DevRant when I'm 'done' :D

    Thanks for the thought btw :p
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