I loved you Xamarin.Forms I really did.
I defended you everywhere... Released 5 apps.

You FUCKING SUCK, no svg support (no none of the apis work), startup time is FUCKING insane, i could go on for hours......

Please any Android Developer out there is there any smooth transition to native? (Dont tell me about Js bullshit)

Help me fell the Native Power of Android.

Show me that apps don't need 20 seconds to start.

  • 2
    Android Studio 3
    *drops the mic*
  • 0
    20 sec? My xamarin takes 3-7 sec. What gear do you use? About svg i'm pretty sure that can be solved with a custom render.
  • 0
    @Sioeray believe me I have a lot of experience with xamarin.forms... Don't want to write anymore renderers... Nothing better than native...
  • 0
    Go native
    Java has pretty similar syntax to cpppp so yea
  • 0
    Well if you want native but without Java, use C++. There is no better cross platform / native alternative I guess.

    But I don't remember Xamarin being specially slow. It was some years ago but it would weird if it happens now.
  • 1
    @Sioeray There's always a custom renderer. Always 😂
  • 0
    You should be able to use the path data of the svg if it is exported properly... About being slow, not sure, never had any issues.
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