me: *reads java book on phone*
guy next to me: *looking at my screen* you're a hacker, right?

  • 12
    Damn! I wonder what he'd say if he saw you SSHing a server from your phone O_O
  • 1
    But then again, who really does that @gitpush
  • 20
    @gitpush Been there, done that. Short story:
    I sshed into my server in the underground, the guy next to me called the police and they took me to the PD, it took some time but they understood I wasn’t hacking anything.

    P.S: I live in poor slavic country with very stupid people.
  • 4
    @ikdekker There was a ranter that SSHd from phone. I have an app for SSH just in-case my docker image was forced killed due to low memory (have an online server with 512MB RAM and two docker images running) it usually happens and I'm soon entering testing phase for my project don't want to risk not being able to test when I get a free time and not at home
  • 3
    @just-basic-user Dafuq is wrong with people! one more reason to hate humans ...
  • 8
    I got asked in school if I know where you could host a gmod game server.
    *pulls out my phone, SSHs into server, installs gmod server*
    Me: "Could take some minutes. I only have 1Gb/s connection :)"
  • 0
  • 1
    Someone looks like a geocacher
  • 0
  • 1
    My naem hackerman i here to java the street lights and make cars crash
  • 0
    @Crazed I here to java nullpointerexception
  • 0
    Try running cmatrix next time.
  • 0
    @theScientist Well, a quick glance is inevitable sometimes. If I see someone messaging on WhatsApp I don't read it, but I do see they're messaging
  • 1
    @heyheni termux is life.
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