
Had a couple occasions to feel like a badass, recently.
I'm the only programming polyglot on the team. They've been wrestling with an encryption problem. I crack open C, make a few calls to wincrypt (yes, I'm sorry, we're a Windows company) and give them a dll they can call in their IDE. They were stunned by how fast it was.
Last week, my manager asked if I could put together a communications module for our flagship software.
Him: will 3 months be enough time?
On Monday, I had an alpha of the module ready, and a standalone simulator of the module, and a couple different examples of how to communicate with it written out in python.

  • 2
    You mean you did it over the weekend? If you're working in a team that's not very nice to your team members.

    But if you're working alone I guess you can do whatever you want during your weekends. Just don't make it such a habit that your boss is counting on you working weekends.
  • 2
    @simeg I'm no glory hog. This was something he had tasked me with. 😉
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