
Btw i use arch 😅

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    I use Windows 10 with Cortana enabled.
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    @tahnik Very wise choice.
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    I use morphine to take away the pain every night.

    Wait what?
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    @Froot pain?
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    @abch It seemed like the rant was going a bit off rails so I gave my 2 cents of random crap 😊
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    Existence is pain. Especially when you do pacman -Syu and suddenly half of the drivers stop working
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    @dontPanic I don't use arch but isn't it -Syyu? I read it multiple times that way
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    @dontPanic this is why archlinux.org exists. Check before you update and you will never have this issue.
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    @writeascript -Syyu just forces the repos to refresh. If nothing changed -Syu won't resync with the repos.
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    I've broken my arch installation so many times but I'm glad I did. You learn a lot about Linux when you actually go through docs and fix stuff. Wait. That's for all tech
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    @ryanmhoffman yeah I know xD. It only happened like once to me when I was fresh to arch
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    @SubhrajyotiSen exactly.
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    Yeah. That moment when proprietary display driver crashes and you lose your 200+ day uptime. But i like bleeding edge and run yaourt -Syua every day.
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    @siinus living on the wild side.
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    @siinus AUR ... never ever.
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    @tracktraps what is wrong with AUR?
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    @abch The main reason is: because everybody can publish everything there, forcing users to inspect software packages prior to install.
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    @tracktraps there are reviews for most aur packages and just inspect before installing. Basically common sense prevails.
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    @ewpratten which DE do you use?
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    @tracktraps and that's why you can read PKGBUILD script before install.
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    @siinus I know that, but too few people do it. Why endanger a rock solid OS?

    Other reasons are (from Arch Wiki):
    Multiple versions of the same packages.
    Out of date packages.
    Broken or only partially working packages.
    Improperly configured packages which download unnecessary dependencies, or do not download necessary dependencies, or both.
    Malicious packages (although extremely rare)
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    @ewpratten Budgie is an excellent choice.
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    @-c-- I've never used pacaur, only yaourt. What makes pacaur better in your opinion? Just curious because I'd switch if it really is better.
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    And I use Potato OS. *feeling proud* #youDoNotComeEvenCloseYoungBlood 🥔
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    @mang Hackers Successfully Install Linux on a Potato
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