
hahahahahahahaaha kill me now plz

  • 6
    That's paradise compared to a old project I'm upgrading now. It has, in total, 140 external imports. That's just JS and CSS.

    Some files are simply one line scripts for initialization of BS plug-ins.

    My first call: MINIFY N CONCAT the F out of them!!!
  • 1
    Same. Importing this screen to Angular. I'm scared to actually look at the other views hahahaaha /fml
  • 4
    doesn't anyone use CDN's???
  • 5
    @dakuma well I use bower and gulp to concat and minify.
  • 0
    Maybe the server runs with http/2 so no problem, only inline js sucks
  • 2
    There was a time where this was standard, dark times....
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