Undefusable Unix Bomb

  • 16
    can you use "man tar" is it cheating?
  • 24
    tar --help?
  • 4
    tar -xjf ? And maybe put a 'c' somewhere in there too 🤔
  • 5
    This is why I really like PowerShell.
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    Obviously, not. @savethecode
  • 13
    tar -xvf filename

    the hardest for me is actually using ln -s, keep forgetting if source should come first or later lol
  • 0
    This was on a test I had once. I was just like this haha.
  • 1
    It's been a long time since I had such a large grin on my face to a repost. It's just a great strip! :D But now that I think about it.. I'm pretty sure it was CSS last time
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    @TuguMonas - that was hard for me too, until I realized the -s can mean source .
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    @juneeighteen oooooooohhhhhhh that's a good one. let's hope in 2 years I will not confuse source and symbolic lol
  • 1
    tar -xvzf source, the only one I'm comfortable with
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    tar xvzf filename

    Dashes are for plebs
  • 4
    eXtract Ze File is how I remember it. Quite eazy. Please no powershel. That thing eats time like nothing else I've seen.
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    @hjk101 aaand is ugly af
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    @hjk101 that's a good one. Personally I use tar -xzvf to extract files.
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    @wolt Shure but as Create Ze File is the most common way to create tarballs I don't see the problem. I can't even remember when I had to use j (that letter is just illogical) or no compression at all.
    I do run into plain gzipped files though (like .sql.gz).

    Basically in practice the unzipping option is not all that optional. Even when you are technically right of course.

    @jurbz as the v is consistently used as verbose in most commands I don't have to remember it. Mostly only use it when extracting specific parts.
  • 0
    @Mislead "display: flex;" on the surrounding element and
    "align-self: center;" should do it, no? ^^
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