The three most difficult things about any personal project:
1. Finishing the project
2. Finding a suiting Git repo name
3. Did I say finishing the damn project?

  • 10
    I never have problems about git repo naming... Or finishing the project... I have problems with actually getting the ideas for it
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    I'd definitely say that starting is a far bigger hurdle than finishing (and there's rarely a project you could ever say is actually finished, perhaps the v1.0 goal is more appropriate). And then there's finding the time in between work, family, social life and sleeping.
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    @daegontaven I'd say it's a lot easier to start projects in college/uni. I had a lot more time to sink into stuff like that as I was already exploring that interest as a degree and the more I learned, the more I'd want to play around. You can also spend a lot of nights up till the early hours when you get on a role and I'd spend a lot of time in the 24hour computer labs. When you later get stuck in the standard working day though and with a kid it's definitely not so easy to start something. You feel exhausted when you get home and just want to wind down and relax for the few hours you have and you can't really stay up as you have to get up early and go to work etc. plus even if you have loads of ideas coming to you (which I write down often), If you want to get a proper start on anything, you need more than an hour or so to get stuck in, otherwise it doesn't take off. Weekends are always busy with family and my little girl and so getting started is definitely the hard bit for me.
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    finding a idea is the most difficult thing for me....
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    Holy s#%t ducks can code!! 😯 😯@DucksCanCode 🤣 i just had to
  • 1
    @wax911 it's because they're actually intelligent aliens bent on dominating the human race
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