
Was watching a Chinese movie and there's a scene where someone is getting hacked, and this is the fucking code that they are show as the "hacking code". How hard would it have been to find something more legitimate than this?

If I hadn't had a few $0.69 hamburgers from McDonald's today, I would be more upset.

  • 2
  • 6
    Badly written C code :(
  • 19
    That formatting is evil. I feel insecure, I think reading this hacked my brain.
  • 1
    @ragnarr023 Don't worry, it's only shittily formatted C.
  • 2
    Is this a legit coding style in China? I don't get it.

    Is this also a legit day parsing code (from stdin) used somewhere in China? Looks awful!
  • 1
    At least the code is not in Chinese
  • 2
    At least they didn't think Russians hacked it with a Pipboy equipped.
  • 2
    I almost felt my sunsign change to cancer after looking at the fuckall formatting .
  • 2
    You think that's bad... There's an Indian movie where a guy diffuses a bomb using Windows Media player 😂
  • 1
    Can't miss the binary code on the right side lmao
  • 0
    TIL Mcdonalds has 0.69$ burguers!
  • 0
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    @Sleepy-guy it was Wolf Warrior

    @luminousnine that may or may not have been how I was watching it
  • 0
    @cptSpades the cheap burgers were just 11am-7pm the one day in celebration of their 50th birthday in Canada.
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