When you leave your workstation unattended for five minutes.

  • 8
    Haha.. Your colleagues are truly evil!
  • 8
    Whenever we leave our workstation unattended and unlocked (which goes against policies) we ( I ) send a mail to all the department inviting breakfast the next day πŸ˜„
  • 2
    @figus and delete the mail so it can't be recalled πŸ™‚
  • 3
    Previous company, we could leave our workstations unlocked and unattended... no problem!

    At my current company, you turn around and your workstation happens to be unlocked and a company email gets sent that you're leaving because you don't like the colors on the walls and would prefer them to be a shit brown color.

  • 4
    At our company if you leave the workstation unattended and unlocked you'll find a Justin Bieber wallpaper set.. or unicorns.
  • 3
    Comic Sans and everything... Truly evil
  • 4
    My friend once let his computer unlocked on the internship. Me and another guy who with us changed his wallpaper to a half-baked muscly man. He only noticed at the end of the day when he closed all his windows. Priceless
  • 1
    @gustash So, you and your friend are working at college?
  • 7
    Another evil thing to do to unlocked workstation, suggested by a co-worker, is to change your back end developer SQL termination character to this:


    which totally looks like a semicolon, but it isn't >:)
  • 1
    @GinjaNinja no, highschool :)
  • 0
    I always do this to my colleagues, one of my favourites:

    ncage chrome extension changes all images to Nicholas Cages face.

    Invert mouse buttons.

    Invert screen.

    Embarrassing email.

    Meat spin on the browser.

    One I saw on here is to redefine true as rand(1, 10).
  • -1
    @linxlad Downvote = no sense of humour ;)
  • 4
    well once.. all the guys on the floor I worked had gone out.. and we were all provided with wireless mouse with our company laptops.. so I shuffled all the mouse in every desk.. and when they came back.. i watched 25 people struggle to figure out why their pointers aren't in sync with their movement.. best laugh I had in yearsπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • 2
    @keerthi that is absolutely genius hahaha
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