
That feeling you get when you apply for a new job and they respond in less then a day saying that they're intrested and need you to send in some of your best projects 😎.
Its been more than a week now,and Ive lost all hope.This was going to be my first job as a web/android developer

  • 1
    Ask them again: how is the current situation

    Often the HR guy gives your sourcecode to a developer for evaluation and the developer forgets about it and thr HR guy is to scared to disturb the developer. So just ask again and you probably get an response.

    On a sidenote: one application for the first job,is not much. Keep applying ;)
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    @plusgut Well as soon I published this rant,the recruiter gave me a call!!!!.
    I'm headed for the interview next week
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    @Ibras YEA! nice, I wish you the best of luck
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    @plusgut Much thanks
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    Keep us updated! :)
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