
devRant.. I need your help.

So for the last year I've been self teaching myself python, go, & haskell. I've really been enjoying myself, to the point we're I would like to make it my career. Insert problem, I stumbled upon ECU(engine control unit) reprogramming & flashing, and instantly fell in love with the idea. However I can not find any information it. Every college I've called talks to me like I just asked them to teach me witchcraft.

Does any dev have experience with ecu programming? How did you get into it?


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    No experience myself, but I know people who have had it done. You'd probably get better results asking an automotive/vocational/technical school.
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    @spongessuck I just got off the phone with one of the local technical automotive schools. I'm slightly concerned, his idea of ecu programming is solely done in excel.
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    @softban hm well that's how you interface with them I guess.

    Only other thing I can think to try is to get in contact with an automaker. If you tell them you're interested in a job they might give info about where you could learn more; who knows, they might even have an intern program for engineering.
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    This is oddly specific but there is an episode of Gas Monkey Garage where they put a Hellcat Engine in an old Dodge Dart to make a dragster. They mention a company in Florida that works on ECU programming. It’s a long shot but if you can find that episode and find that company you could ask. Idk about excel but a lot of engine programming is very formula based so some input is put thru s formula to achieve an output. The formula is very well defined and I doubt those devs more around much.
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    @hausen I am not. Sorry.
    @spongessuck That's a great idea. Thanks!
    @jeeper I didn't know the name of the show, but that is a large part of why I want to learn. Its the first time I had even thought about the computer system running my car.
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