Story time:

Ok so I'm in school and I'm on the computers we have to do a project on them the with rest of the class and I'm sitting beside this guy let's call him Bob (not his real name) anyways so Bob is working away on his computer and I'm trying to move documents and i decided to use cmd for it so opened it and then bob saw the cmd window and yelled "TEACHER HE'S TRYING TO HACK THE SCHOOL" then my teacher came over who has no idea how to operate computer like the rest of the class im surprised they can even turn the computer on anyways my teacher comes over and yells "PRINCIPALS OFFICE RIGHT NOW" and I'm like WTF?! anyways I have to explain to the principal what I was doing but she didn't understand so I go detention that day. Thanks a lot BOB!

  • 21
    Next time dont forget to set font color to green. ;-)
  • 7
    Holy shit, if that actually happened then I feel really sorry for you
  • 2
    On my old school the cmd actually popped up with some shit every 30s. Nobody cared
  • 0
    @rozina I agree
  • 1
  • 4
    This is why some people shouldn't teach.
  • 2
    Same thing happened to my friend Connor. Then I tried to see if it would happen to me, they made a scene, I made a bigger scene, and told them how incompetent they are. I won the argument, but they disabled cmd across all computers on the network. Fucking salty IT as usual.
  • 0
    Hahaha 😂😂
  • 5
    Bob and your teacher need a high five....
    In the face...
    With a chair....

  • 0
    You may not have been hacking but still you overheard the conversation between Bob and the teacher (let's just call her Alice).

    But detention sucks.
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