I'm a fullstack dev, but this is coming from the point of view of frontend work in Rails 7. I'm using jsbundling-rails. I tried to get importmap to work, but that was fool's errand.

I absolutely love the module system in modern js. I love how closely it resembles the way python does things.

npm isn't the meme I was led to believe it is. I also don't need things like toString.js, so maybe that's why.

I also love using flexbox. It's so straightforward and I don't have to rely on hacks to do basic things.

Where have I been you ask? Over my head in paying work that never gave me the chance to update old but working code.

jquery and Bootstrap plague me from when I built these things years ago when they were needed to get things done quickly. My skillset and the technologies available to me have also drastically improved, allowing me to do things with fewer libraries.

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