I'm a Newbie to networking, and currently trying to understand this Network and Identifying the IPs for which interfaces.

I'd love to know which IP address is for the captured Router interface, etc. Which IP is the address of the captured interface n2.

How do I approach to solve this Problem?

  • 3
    This shit is why I'm not in a rush to learn networking in depth
  • 1
    Simple, just follow the hops.

    Routers break up networks, and as such they can define what IP addresses are to be used.

    Your screenshot shows the routing table of router 2. Take the first entry. It says to route packets addressed to network 2001::/64 through interface eth2.

    That means the next hop address is the address of the interface eth2 of router n4, and that eth2 of n2 must have an address in 2001::/64 as well, but you can't know exactly which.

    Go forth for all entries.
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