
You know what I really like? When apps override the scrolling behaviour...
Yes, I really want you to disable my scrolling settings and enforce your own goddamn scrolling logic, it's so great to have shit I'm used to being forcibly removed from me.
Biggest surprise is the latest place I've seen this is Unreal Engine :O Scrolling the news in the launcher is slow as fuck.

  • 4
    Analysis: Nobody is reading our content.

    PM: We need to slow down our users so they will read our content.

    Dev: I hate this, but I'll build it.
  • 1
    I agree with the principle that breaking default behaviour is really, really stupid. Often, the scrolling is manipulated to allow the page to react to scroll events (not necessarily to control reading speed), but devs don't realise the performance implications. Then the reactions get more and more complex and the performance worse and worse and suddenly users are staying away in droves because it's just annoying.
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