Got my senior promotion! Don’t feel like it though.

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    Because this is real life, not Fortnite.

    Congratulations anyway my guy. Did you get a pay raise though?
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    @Sid2006 Yeah man. Got any words of sage wisdom I could use so I don’t take out production?
  • 4
    @Burgundxyz Taking out production can be done in many ways. So nothing I would say can help you. Just do your best, I guess.

    I dropped production database once lol, since then I don't use multiple SSH terminal windows.
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    @Burgundxyz taking prod down is not a problem. Being a senior you should wory about not taking it down. You should instead worry about bringing it back online.

    If not you yourself, then a rookie junior or an intern will eventually nuke production for you. You must be confident you can light it back up again in a timely manner
  • 3
    All of the responsibilities, none of the bonuses? But congrats of course! :)
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    @Bibbit This is how it's always been for me :)

    I discover that my boss has been referring to me as "lead developer" or "senior developer" without an official promotion -- and of course no pay increase. and conversations about them always went nowhere.
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    You either get a 1 percent increase or a baseball cap/pen
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    That's cos u old now, @Burgundxyz !
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    @Nanos Turns out no - I don’t. I just get paid (not much) more
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