
Java, Scala, Groovy, Kotlin or Closure? Which do you prefer?

If not Java from those above, can you give an example why?

I'm curious what you guys like. If you're not interested in Java, please stay away, it's not about C++ or any other fancy language.

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    I like scala if those are the options available, less verbose, good functional support and it feels almost like a good language from time to time.
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    Kotlin. I love pretty much everything about that language
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    @ItsNotMyFault Scala is where it's at, though I haven't had the time to try out Kotlin yet.
    I've been using Scala for 2-3yrs. now, it really allows for a perfect balance between oop and fp design so you don't have to necessarily choose one or the other and can decide where to make the perfect tradeoffs. Plus it's a fucking beautiful tool for playing with 'big data' I stopped using Python the first month or so of playing with Apache Spark. Plus community support for libraries is on the rise(search 'awesome-scala' on github)

    If you are going to learn one I'd definitely give Scala a go, or maybe Kotlin if you're feeling adventurous...like I said I don't know much about it πŸ˜“ happy coding! πŸ˜…
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    @danielspaniol what do you like most about it? I understand it's new so naturally people are going to jump on it, but is it just optimized for the dvm or something? Sorry I'm really ashamed of myself for not having done any previous research on the language πŸ˜–
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    @KidLaser i cant even tell. The syntax is great, the way lamdas look, oop+fp, how to write DSLs, delegated properties and the way jetbrains works on the language.
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    @danielspaniol oh bummer so it is just the 'new' thing. I'll have to check it out sometime though just to get a peak at those lambdas lol and figure out where the hype is coming from. Thanks for the input though.

    Irrelevant info: I got a tattoo of a lambda on my arm the day Java8 came out😣don't party and code at the same time kids!
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    Kotlin is a language, which tries to fix every problem Java has, for example forced checked exceptions. And JetBrains really did a great job, every Java developers who has not tried it yet should start reading some pages of the Kotlin reference.
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    @Gatgeagent haha already on it! πŸ˜ƒ
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    Clojure. I'm not in love with the JVM Languages, but Clojure is surely a very interesting experiment
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    @Gatgeagent Kotlin sounds nice so far especially now that it's an official Android language. But I always wonder if it's worth it when the language ecosystem is rather small.
    About the checked exceptions: I don't get why they are so bad. They do their job and they do it well. πŸ€”
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    I like Java as a language and the concept of multi-platform executables. But I don't like the JVM as it is.. It is slow and you always have to go the indirection. I prefere languages that are being compiled and later run directly on the hardware. I also like Python mainly because of it's simple but strong syntax.. But I've been taught Java a long time and I still use it. Because it is a standard (today) I still would choose it.
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    @phexter can you explain a bit more? Do you have examples?
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    @phexter Same...Java not being able to use everythig the Java Virtual Machine has to offer? I've spent a couple years fucking around with the JVM - I'm totally baffled lol!
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